Mercedes-Benz Service A

Schedule Mercedes-Benz Service A at Bob King Autohaus

Services to Keep You Going After 10,000 Miles or One Year

The key to maintaining the health and wellness of your Mercedes-Benz is by prioritizing routine service. Routine checkups and service are essential for helping your luxury car or SUV thrive on the roads in Wilmington, NC. For help keeping up with your Mercedes-Benz model's service routine, the experts at Bob King Autohaus are proud to offer an array of unique automotive services that are designed to keep you going.

In the early beginnings of driving your new Mercedes-Benz through Southport, NC, your initial service window is narrowed down to about 10,000 miles or one year - whichever comes first. Prioritizing service during this initial period is crucial to the long-term performance of your Mercedes-Benz. At Bob King Autohaus, we're here to help you break down routine auto service and discover why it's important for your vehicle.

What is Mercedes-Benz Service A?

All auto-service is important. But when you break it down by priority, you're able to see the benefits firsthand. Particularly after 10,000 miles or after one year of driving - whichever comes first - this is when it's most important to ensure your Mercedes-Benz is getting serviced at the right time using the correct products. At Bob King Autohaus, Mercedes-Benz Service A covers the following:

  • Mercedes-Benz synthetic motor oil replacement
  • Oil filter replacement
  • Fluid levels check and corrections*
  • Tire inflation check and correction
  • Brake component inspection
  • Reset maintenance counter

To help keep your Mercedes-Benz running like new in Hampstead, NC, it's important to prioritize routine service after the first 10,000 miles or after one year of driving. This period is known as the 'A-window', requiring A-level service from a certified Mercedes-Benz professional. Subsequent service periods, the next referred to as the 'B-window', occurs after every 20,000 miles or after two years from your initial Mercedes-Benz Service A.

Why is Mercedes-Benz Service A So Important?

The longer you put off servicing your Mercedes-Benz, the more it will struggle to get up to speed and maintain its iconic performance on the roads in New Bern, NC. During the initial period of 10,000 miles or one year, A-priority service is important because it looks after your Mercedes-Benz model's most vital components. If you're in the market for auto-service for your Mercedes-Benz, the experts at Bob King Autohaus are trained to administer Mercedes-Benz A service at the correct intervals using genuine OEM parts.

Even if your luxury car or SUV still looks and performs like it's brand new after one year, Mercedes-Benz A Service is required to help it keep its flair. Designed to keep your vehicle moving, Mercedes-Benz A service seeks to identify any initial problems with your vehicle by evaluating and replacing your motor oil, oil filter, engine fluids, tire pressure, brake components, and more! If your luxury car is almost at 10,000 miles or you've been driving it for close to one year, be sure to contact our service department today to schedule a Mercedes-Benz Service A appointment!

Schedule Mercedes-Benz A Service Online in Morehead City, NC

It's the responsibility of every Mercedes-Benz owner in Morehead City to prioritize auto-service after 10,000 miles or one year - whichever comes first. As you take on the roads in Jacksonville, NC, and seek to continue exploring with confidence, you owe it to yourself and your vehicle to schedule Mercedes-Benz Service A at Bob King Autohaus.

For more information about the importance of Service A and for a detailed overview of what it entails, please don't hesitate to contact our service team. Proudly serving drivers from Wilmington, NC, and beyond, the experts at Bob King Autohaus invite you to please call, click, or contact us online to schedule Mercedes-Benz Service A today!

*-All fluid level checks and corrections are dependent on factory-recommended service intervals for your vehicle's year and model

Price advertised for Service A/Service B includes all factory-required components. Please refer to your maintenance booklet for the complete list of factory-required services and details on the specific intervals for your vehicle's year and model.

  1. Bob King Autohaus

    5115 New Centre Drive
    Wilmington, NC 28403

    • Sales: 910-793-2464
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  • Contact our Sales Department at: 910-793-2464
  • Monday7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Tuesday7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Wednesday7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Thursday7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Friday7:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Saturday9:00AM - 6:00PM
  • SundayClosed